[Book Extracts] The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires – Brian Tracy

Success is not a matter of luck or accident or being in the right place at the right time. Success is as pre- dictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. By practicing the principles that you have just learned, you will move to the front of the line in life. You will have an incredible advantage over people who do not know or who do not practice these tech- niques and strategies. You will have an advantage that will give you the winning edge for the rest of your life and career.
If you consistently and persistently do the things that other successful people do, nothing in the world can stop you from becoming a big success yourself. You are the architect of your own destiny. You are the master of your own fate. You are behind the steering wheel of your own life. There are no limitations to what you can do, have, or be except the limitations you place on yourself by your own thinking.

The following I extracted from the every success secret inside the book. Hope you read them and consider them as a proper direction in your way to achieve the prosperity.

Secret 1: Deam Big Dreams

Create a vision for yourself for the long-term future. The more clear your vision of health, happiness, and prosperity, the faster you move toward it and the faster it moves toward you. When you create a clear mental picture of where you are going in life, you become more positive, more motivated, and more deter- mined to make it a reality. You trigger your natural creativity and come up with idea after idea to help make your vision come true.

Action Exercise
Make a list of everything you would do or attempt if you were absolutely guaranteed of success. Then decide upon one specific action and do it immediately.

Secret 2: Develop a Clear Sense of Direction

 Successful people think about their goals most of the time. As a result, they are continually moving toward their goals, and their goals are continually moving toward them. Whatever you think about most of the time grows and increases in your life. If you are thinking about, talking about, and visualizing your goals, you tend to accomplish far, far more than the average person, who is usually thinking and talk- ing about his or her worries and problems most of the time.

Here is a simple seven-step formula for setting and achieving goals that you can use to become a millionaire:

  • First, decide exactly what you want in each area of your life, especially in your financial life. Most people never do this.
  • Second, write down your goals clearly and specifically. Something amazing happens between your head and your hand when you put your goals in writing.
  • Third, set a deadline for each goal. Set subdeadlines if a goal is big enough. Give yourself a target to aim at.
  • Fourth, make a list of everything you can think of that you will have to do to achieve each goal. As you think of new ideas, add them to your list until it is complete.
  • Fifth, organize your list into a plan of action. Determine what you are going to do first and what you will do later. Decide what is more important and what is less important.
  • Sixth, take action on your plan immediately. It is amazing how many splendid goals and plans are never realized because of procrastination and delay.
  • Seventh, and perhaps most important, do something every day that moves you at least one step closer to your most important goal. This commitment to daily action will make you a big success in anything you decide to accomplish.

Action Exercise:
Always think on paper. Sit down and begin writing out your goals and creating your plan to achieve them. This exercise alone can make you a self-made millionaire.

Secret 3: See Yourself as Self-Employed

 When you see yourself as self-employed, you develop an entrepreneur mentality, the mentality of highly independent, self-responsible, self-starting individuals. Instead of waiting for things to happen, you make things happen. You see yourself as the boss of your own life. You see yourself as completely in charge of your physical health, your financial well-being, your career, your relationships, your lifestyle, your home, your car, and every other element of your existence. This is the mindset of the self-made millionaire.

Action Exercise:
Identify your favorite reasons and ex- cuses for not committing wholeheartedly to your financial goals. Is there anyone or anything in your life that you are blaming for holding you back? Whatever it might be, accept complete responsibility for your life and take action today!

Secret 4: Do What You Love to Do

When you are doing what you love to do, you seem to have a continuous flow of excitement, energy, and ideas to do what you do even better. Here is a question for you: If you won a million dollars, tax free, tomorrow, would you continue to do what you are currently doing?

Action Exercise:
Identify the type of work that you enjoy the most. What activities have been most responsible for your success in life to date? If you could do any job at all and be successful at it, what would you choose? Set it as a goal, make a plan, and begin moving in that direction today.

Secret 5: Commit to Excellence

 Remember that no one is better than you, and no one is smarter than you. And everyone who is in the top 10 percent today started off in the bottom 10 percent. Everyone who is doing well was once doing poorly. Everyone who is at the top of his or her field was at one time in another field altogether. And what countless others have done, you can do as well.

Action Exercise:
Identify your key result areas in your current job. What are the parts of your work that you must absolutely, positively perform in an excellent fashion to move to the top of your field? Where are you strong and where are you weak? Make a plan today to get better in the one skill area where improvement can help you the most.

Secret 6: Work Longer and Harder

 Do not drop off your dry cleaning, phone your friends, socialize with your coworkers, or read the newspaper. Work all the time you work. Resolve today to develop the reputation for being the hardest working person in your company. This will bring you to the attention of people who can help you faster than almost anything else you can do.

Action Exercise:
Make a plan today to increase the number of hours you work each day. Resolve to get to the office one hour earlier and get a head start on the day. Work at lunchtime when others are gone. Stay one hour later to get caught up. This strategy alone will double your output while adding only two hours to your day.

Secret 7: Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning

Your mind is like a muscle. It develops only with use. Just as you have to strain your physical muscles to build them, you have to work your mental muscles to build your mind as well. The good news is that the more you learn, the more you can learn. Just like the more you play a sport, the better you get at the sport. The more you dedicate yourself to lifelong learning, the easier it is for you to learn even more.

There are three keys to lifelong learning. The first key is to read in your field for at least 30 to 60 minutes each day. Reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body. Reading for an hour each day will translate into about one book per week. One book per week will translate into 50 books per year. Fifty books per year will translate into 500 books over the next 10 years.
The second key to lifelong learning is to listen to audio programs in your car as you drive from place to place. The average person sits behind the wheel in his or her car 500 to 1,000 hours per year. This is the equivalent of 12 to 24 forty-hour weeks, or as much as three to six months of working time that you spend in your car. This is the equivalent of one to two full-time semesters at a university.
A third key to lifelong learning is to attend every course and seminar you can possibly find that can help you to be better in your field. The combination of books, audio programs, and seminars will enable you to save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars, and many years of hard work, in achieving the level of financial success that you desire.

Action Exercise:
Select a subject that can really help you to be more productive and effective in your field. Set a goal to master this subject. Make it a “do-it-to- yourself” project. Then, read on this subject every day. Listen to audio programs on the subject. Attend courses on the subject. Work on this project as if your future depends on it, because it does!

Secret 8: Pay Yourself First

Practice frugality, frugality, frugality in all things. Be very careful with every penny. Question every expenditure. Delay or defer every important buying decision for at least a week, if not a month. The longer you put off making a buying decision, the better your decision will be and the better price you will get at that time.

Action Exercise:
Open a special account for financial accumulation today. Make a deposit in this account, no matter how small. Then, look for every opportunity to add to this account. Begin to study money so that you understand how to make it grow. Read books and magazines by experts on the subject. Never stop saving, learning, and growing until you become financially independent.

Secret 9: Learn Every Detail of Your Business

The Law of Integrative Complexity says that the individual who can integrate and use the greatest amount of information in any field soon rises to the top of that field.
If you are in sales, become an aggressive, lifelong student of the selling process. The top 20 percent of salespeople earn, on average, 16 times the amount earned by the bottom 80 percent of salespeople. The top 10 percent of salespeople earn even more.
If you are in management, resolve to become an outstanding professional manager. If you are starting and building your own business, study entrepreneur- ial strategies and tactics and try out new ideas every single day.

Action Exercise:
Identify the trends in your business. What are the core competencies or key skills that you will need to lead your field in the future? Make a plan today to develop those skills and then work on them every day.

Secret 10: Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others

Your success in life will be in direct proportion to what you do after you do what you are expected to do. Always look for opportunities to do more than you are paid for. Always seek ways to go the extra mile for your customers. Remember, there are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.

Your customers are those people who you depend on for your success in your work. This means that your boss and coworkers are customers as well as the people who buy your products or services. Your customers are also those people who depend on you for their success or satisfaction.

Action Exercise:
Identify your most important customers, both inside and outside your company. Who are the people you most depend upon? Who are the people who most depend upon you? What could you do, starting today, to take better care of them?

Secret 11: Be Absolutely Honest with Yourself and Others

All successful business is based on trust. Your success in becoming a self-made millionaire will be determined solely by the number of people who trust you and who are willing to work for you, give you credit, lend you money, buy your products and services, and help you during difficult times. Your character is the most important asset that you develop in your entire life, and your character is based on the amount of integrity that you practice.

The first key to integrity is to be true to yourself, in all things. Be true to the very best that is in you. Being true to yourself means doing what you do in an excellent fashion. Integrity is demonstrated internally by personal honesty and externally by quality work.
The second key to integrity is to be true to the other people in your life. Live in truth with everyone. Never do or say anything that you do not believe to be right and good and honest. Refuse to compromise your integrity for anything. Always live up to the very highest standard that you know.

Action Exercise:
Almost every problem in your life can be resolved by a return to your values. What are they? What do you believe in and stand for? Whenever you experience stress of any kind, it usually means that you are compromising one of your values. Whatever it is, resolve this very minute to be true to what you really believe to be important in your life.

Secret 12: Determine Your Highest Priorities and Concentrate on Them Single-Mindedly

Your ability to determine your highest priority and then to work on that high priority until it is completed is the primary test and measure of your willpower, self-discipline, and personal character. It is the hardest habit to develop but also the most important if you want to be a big success.

Here is the formula. Make a list of everything you have to do before you begin working toward any goal. Set priorities on that list by asking yourself four ques- tions, over and over.

Question number one is, What are my highest value activities? What do you do that is more valuable than anything else to your work and your business?

Question number two is, Why am I on the payroll? What exactly have you been hired to accomplish? Focus on results, not activities.

Question number three is, What can I and only I do that, if done well, will make a real difference? This is a particular task that only you can do. If you don’t do it, it won’t get done. But if you do do it and you do it well, it can make a significant difference in your business or your personal life. What is that task?

Question number four is, What is the most valuable use of my time right now? There is only one answer to this question at any time. Your ability to determine the single most valuable use of your time and then to start on that task is the key to high productivity and financial success.

Action Exercise:
Identify the most important thing that you can do right now to achieve your most important goal and then discipline yourself to do that, and only that, until it is 100 percent complete. Your ability to do this, and this alone, can change your whole life.

Secret 13: Develop a Reputation for Speed and Dependability

When you can combine your ability to select your highest priority task with the commitment to getting it done quickly and well, you will find yourself moving to the front. More doors and opportunities will open for you than you can even imagine today.

Action Exercise:
Select just one key task that you have been procrastinating on starting, or bringing to completion, and resolve to take action on it immediately. Keep repeating to yourself these magic motivating words: “Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!”

Secret 14: Be Prepared to Climb from Peak to Peak

Keep reminding yourself that everything in your life moves in cycles and trends. Be calm, confident, and relaxed with short-term fluctuations in your fortune. When you have clear goals and plans that you are working on every day, the general trend line of your life will tend to be onward and upward over the years.

Action Exercise:
Identify the key cycles and trends in your business. Where is the market going? What is changing and how will you have to adapt to these changes? What steps should you be taking today to be ready to take advantage of the new world of tomorrow? Whatever your answer, take those steps now!

Secret 15: Practice Self-Discipline in All Things

Self-discipline requires self-mastery, self-control, self-responsibility, and self-direction. The difference between successful people and failures is that successful people make a habit of doing the things that failures do not like to do. And what are those things? The things that failures don’t like to do are the same things that successful people don’t like to do either. But successful people do them anyway because they realize that this is the price they must pay for the success they desire.

Successful people are more concerned with pleasing results. Failures are more concerned with pleasing methods. Successful people take actions that are goal achieving. Unsuccessful people take actions that are tension relieving. Successful people do the things that are hard and necessary and important. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, prefer to do the things that are fun and easy and that give them immediate enjoyment.

Action Exercise:
Change one thing at a time. Identify one area of your life where lack of discipline is interfering with your success. Decide today to develop discipline in that area. Launch strongly. Tell others about your decision. Never allow exceptions until the new habit is firmly entrenched. This decision alone could change your life.

Secret 16: Unlock Your Inborn Creativity

Your creativity is stimulated by three factors: first, intensely desired goals; second, pressing problems; and third, focused questions. The more you focus your mind on achieving your goals, solving your problems, or answering the tough questions about your business and personal life, the smarter you become and the better your mind works for you in the future.

Take a clean sheet of paper and write your most important goal or most pressing problem at the top in the form of a question. For example, you could write, “How can I double my income over the next 24 to 36 months?”

Action Exercise:
Write down your most pressing problem or your most intensely desired goal. Then, imagine that this problem was solved perfectly or this goal was achieved in an ideal way. What would the solution or achievement look like? What could you do immediately to bring about this result? Remember, action is everything!

Secret 17: Get around the Right People

Everything involves relationships. Virtually all of your problems in life will come as the result of your entering into wrong relationships with the wrong people. Virtually all of your great successes in life will be accompanied by great relationships with good people who help you and whom you help in return.

You are like a chameleon in that you take on the attitudes, behaviors, values, and beliefs of the people with whom you associate most of the time. If you want to be a successful person, associate with positive people. Associate with people who are optimistic and happy and who have goals and who are moving forward in their lives. At the same time, get away from negative, critical, complaining people. If you want to fly with the eagles, you cannot scratch with the turkeys.

Action Exercise:
Identify the most important people in your life, both present and future. What could you do to help them in their lives and work so that they would be open to helping you? Identify the people you should get to know. What could you do to help them in advance of your needing anything in return? Remember, first you sow and then you reap.

Secret 18: Take Excellent Care of Your Physical Health

There are three keys to living a long, happy, healthy life. The first is proper weight. Set a goal to get your weight under control and then remain lean and fit for the rest of your life. There is a five-word formula for weight loss and physical fitness. It is simply this: “Eat less and exercise more.”
The second key is proper diet, and the key to a proper diet is to eat better foods and fewer of them. Eat more lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Eliminate desserts, soft drinks, candy, and anything else containing sugar from your life. Stop consuming extra salt and stop eating white flour products. Eat smaller portions and eat four or five times a day rather than three large meals.
The third key to long life is proper exercise. This requires that you engage in vigorous physical activity approximately 200 minutes per week or an average of 30 minutes per day. You can get all the exercise you need by going for a brisk 30-to-60-minute walk three to five days per week. If you are really serious, you should join a health club or get some fitness equipment for your house and work out even more vigorously.

Action Exercise:
Identify one health habit that you need to develop to enjoy higher levels of health and energy. Perhaps it is eliminating desserts altogether. Then, set this as a personal challenge and resolve to discipline yourself until your new health habit is firmly entrenched.

Secret 19: Be Decisive and Action Oriented

The key to triumph is for you to try. Successful people are decisive and they try far more things than other people do. According to the Law of Probabilities, if you try far more different ways to be successful, the odds are that you will eventually find the right way for you at the right time.

When you become decisive and action oriented, you shift your entire life into high gear. You get far more done in a day than other people. You move ahead far faster than the people around you. You actually tap into a higher source of energy, enthusiasm, and motivation that fills you full of joy and exhilaration. This positive energy then propels you forward even faster toward your goals.

Action Excercise:
Ask yourself, What one action, if I did it immediately, could have the greatest positive impact on my results? Whatever your answer to that question, just do it!

Secret 20: Never Allow Failure to Be an Option

Whenever you are faced with a risky situation, ask yourself this question, What is the worst possible thing that could happen if I go ahead? Then, as J. Paul Getty, the self-made oil billionaire, said, you should make sure that, whatever it is, it doesn’t happen.

When you act boldly, unseen forces will come to your aid. And every act of courage increases your courage and capacity for courage in the future. Whenever you take action in a forward direction with no guarantees of success, your fears diminish and your courage and self-confidence increase. You eventually reach the point where you are not afraid of anything.

Action Exercise:
Identify one major fear in your life— for example, failure, criticism, or disapproval—and resolve to act as if the fear did not exist. Imagine that you were guaranteed success if you would only take action in the direc- tion of your goals and dreams. Then, just do it!

Secret 21: Pass the “Persistence Test”

Here is one of the great secrets of persistence and success: Program your subconscious mind for persistence well in advance of the setbacks and disappointments that you are going to have on your upward quest toward success. Resolve in advance that you will never give up, no matter what happens.

When you are overwhelmed with a problem or difficulty, you do not have enough time to develop the necessary persistence to deal with the setback or disappointment. But if you plan in advance for the inevitable ups and downs of life, when they come, you will be psychologically ready. You will be prepared.

The only factor you can control is how you respond to difficulties and setbacks. And the good news is that every time you respond in a positive and constructive manner, you become stronger and better and even more capable of dealing with the next prob- lem or crisis that comes along. Eventually, you will reach a point in life where you become absolutely unstoppable.

Action Exercise:
What is the most difficult situation you are facing in your life today? Whatever it is, imagine that it has been sent to you at this time to teach you a valuable lesson that you need to learn to be even more successful in the future. What could that lesson be? From this moment onward, always seek the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty. You will always find it, and it will help you in your quest to become a self-made millionaire.

Thank for reading!

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