MOS 2016 vs. MOS 2019

Bài viết này mình giúp các bạn đang có ý định thi MOS lựa chọn phiên bản phù hợp để ôn thi.
This post to help participants who plan to take the MOS Exam chose a perfect version to join.

#1: Certificates and Score Reports

Bảng so sánh bên dưới chỉ ra các điểm khác nhau giữa hai phiên bản qua hai tiêu chí so sánh là chứng chỉ và bảng điểm.
The comparison table below shows the differences between certificates and score reports of two versions.

MOS 2016

Chứng chỉ 2016:
Certificate 2016:

Bảng điểm 2016:
Score Report 2016:

MOS 2019

Chứng chỉ 2019:
Certificate 2019:

Bảng điểm 2019:
Score Report 2019:

  • Số lượng câu hỏi (không đổi): 35 câu
    Number of tasks (not changed): 35 tasks
  • Thời gian làm bài (không đổi): 50 phút đếm ngược
    Duration of testing (not changed): 50 minutes count down
  • Điểm đủ đậu (không đổi): 700/1000
    Passing score (not changed): 700/1000
  • Thời hạn (không đổi): vĩnh viễn
    Validity (not changed): permanent
  • Lệ phí thi (không đổi)
    Exam cost (not changed)

Các ứng dụng trên MOS 2016 đều hiển thị – Most of applications printed on MOS 2016 certificate as following:
– Office Word 2016,
– Office Excel 2016,
– Office PowerPoint 2016,…
Trên MOS 2019, tên ứng dụng sẽ thay đổi thành – On MOS 2019, that of names are changed to:
– Word Associate,
– Excel Associate,
– PowerPoint Associate,…
Điều quan trọng là 2 chứng chỉ này và các ứng dụng in trên đó không liên quan đến nhau và không tích hợp vào chung một chứng chỉ.
The important thing is two kinds of certificates and the applications printed on them are not relevant and not associated.

#2: Study Guide Comparation

Sự thay đổi khác biệt nhất về mặt nội dung giáo trình là phiên bản Word. Word 2019 có đến 6 chương, trong khi Word 2016 chỉ có 5 chương.
Các ứng dụng Excel và Powerpoint không thay đổi về mặt số lượng chương.
The significant changing is the contents of Word. Word 2019 include 6 sections, whereas Word 2016 has just 5.
Excel and Powerpoint are sitll remaining the number of sections.

Word 2016 Table of ContentsWord 2019 Table of Contents
1. Create and manage documents 
1.1. Create documents
1.2. Navigate through documents
1.3. Format documents
1.4. Customize document options and views
1.5. Print and save documents
1. Manage Document
1.1. Navigate within documents
1.2. Format documents
1.3. Save and share documents
1.4. Inspect documents for issues

2. Format text, paragraphs, and sections 
2.1. Insert text and paragraphs
2.2. Format text and paragraphs
2.3. Order and group text and paragraphs
2. Insert and format text, paragraph, and sections
2.1. Insert text and paragraphs
2.2. Format text and paragraphs
2.3. Create and configure documents sections
3. Create tables and lists
3.1. Create tables
3.2. Modify tables
3.3. Create and modify lists
3. Manage tables and lists
3.1. Create tables
3.2. Modify tables
3.3. Create and modify lists
4. Create and manage references
4.1. Create and manage reference markers
4.2. Create and manage simple references
4. Create and manage references
4.1. Create and manage reference elements
4.2. Create and manage reference tables

5. Insert and format graphic elements
5.1. Insert graphic elements
5.2. Format graphic elements
5.3. Insert and format SmartArt graphics 
5. Insert and format graphic elements
5.1. Insert illustrations and text boxes
5.2. Format illustrations and text boxes
5.3. Add text to graphic elements

5.4. Modify graphic elements
6. Manage documents collaboration (new)
6.1. Add and manage comments
6.2. Manage change tracking
Excel 2016 Table of ContentsExcel 2019 Table of Contents
1. Create and manage worksheets and workbooks
1.1. Create worksheets and workbooks
1.2. Navigate in worksheets and workbooks.
1.3. Format worksheets and workbooks
1.4. Customize options and views for worksheets and workbooks
1.5. Configure worksheets and workbooks for distribution
1. Manage worksheets and workbooks
1.1. Import data into workbooks
1.2. Navigate within workbooks
1.3. Format worksheets and workbooks
1.4. Customize options and workbooks
1.5. Configure content for collaboration

2. Manage data cells and ranges
2.1 Insert data in cells and ranges
2.2. Format cells and ranges
2.3. Summarize and organize data

2. Manage dat cells and ranges
2.1. Manipulate data in worksheets
2.2. Format cells and ranges
2.3. Define and reference named ranges
2.4. Summarize data visually
3. Create tables
3.1. Create and manage tables
3.2. Manage table style and options
3.3. Filter and sort tables
3. Manage tables and table data
3.1. Create and format tables
3.2. Modify tables
3.3. Filter and sort table data
4. Perform operations with formulas and functions
4.1. Summarize data by using functions
4.2. Perform conditional operations by using functions
4.3. Format and modify text
4. Perform operations by using formulas and functions
4.1. Insert references in formulas
4.2. Calculate and transform data by using functions
4.3. Format and modify text by using functions
 5. Create charts and objects
5.1. Create charts
5.2. Format charts
5.3. Insert and format objects
5. Manage charts
5.1. Create charts
5.2. Modify charts
5.3. Format charts
PowerPoint 2016 Table of ContentsPowerPoint 2019 Table of Contents
1. Create and manage presentations
1.1. Create a presentation
1.2. Insert and format slides
1.3. Modify slides, handouts, and notes
1.4. Order and group slides
1.5. Change presentation options and views
1.6. Configure a presentation for print
1.7: Configure and present a slide show
1. Manage presentations
1.1. Modify slide masters, handout masters,
and note masters
1.2. Change presentation options and views
1.3. Configure print settings for presentations
1.4. Configure and present slideshows
1.5. Prepare presentations for collaboration

2. Insert and format text, shapes, and images
2.1: Insert and format text
2.2: Insert and format shapes and text boxes
2.3: Insert and format images
2.4: Order and group objects
2. Manage slides
2.1. Insert slides
2.2. Modify slides
2.3. Order and group slides

3. Insert tables, charts, SmartArt, and media
3.1: Insert and format tables
3.2: Insert and format charts
3.3: Insert and format SmartArt graphics
3.4: Insert and manage media
3. Insert and format text, shapes, and images
3.1. Format text
3.2. Insert links
3.3. Insert and format images
3.4. Insert and format graphic elements
3.5. Order and group objects on slides
4. Apply transitions and animations
4.1. Apply slide transitions
4.2. Animate slide content
4.3. Set timing for transitions and animations

4. Insert tables, charts, SmartArt, 3D models, and media
4.1. Insert and format tables
4.2. Insert and modify charts
4.3. Insert and format SmartArt graphic
4.4. Insert and modify 3D models
4.5. Insert and manage media
5. Manage multiple presentations
5.1. Merge content from multiple presentations
5.2. Finalize presentations
5. Apply transitions and animations
5.1. Apply and configure slide transitions
5.2. Animate slide content
5.3. Set timing for transitions

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